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This Agreement (“Agreement”) is made on this date by and between Bradford Performing Arts Center (hereinafter BPAC), and the undersigned Parent and Student. The undersigned Parent and/or Guardian of the student, for valuable consideration received, agrees as follows:


1. I agree that my student’s tuition at  Bradford Performing Arts Center (“BPAC”) is due on the first of each month. Class fees have been prorated for the month of August 2024 and then divided into 9 equal monthly payments, beginning September 1st, 2024 and ending on May 1st, 2025. If my tuition has not been paid by close of business on the 7th of each month, a $5.00 late fee will be automatically debited from my account, along with tuition. After two weeks of no payment, a $10 late fee will be automatically debited from my account, along with tuition. If I have not paid my tuition by the final business day of the month, my student will not be allowed to take class. I understand that I can mail a tuition check to the school prior to the tuition due date, if I cannot hand-deliver it. I agree that any tuition payment made is non-refundable. Failure to have a zero balance by recital will dismiss my student from participation in all performances.  ____


2. I understand that tuition fees cover a lot more than the weekly class. There is administrative work that goes into running a program that tracks, rewards and educates your child. Constant communications, weekly cleaning of our facility and contents, as well as continuously updating our equipment and programs means tuition must be paid on time and kept current despite Holidays breaks and weather cancellations. _____

3. I agree that it is the policy of BPAC to automatically deduct my tuition or other fees from a credit or debit card that I provide if I sign up for auto payments. I agree that it is my responsibility to notify BPAC of any changes to my payment information on file in order to stay current on all fees. ____

4. I agree that I will pay a yearly registration fee of $25 per dancer and $35 for a family. I understand that this fee is due in full at the time of registration and is non-refundable. First month’s tuition is also required at the time of registration, beginning in August 2024 and January 2025. ____

5. I understand to ensure full enjoyment and continued growth in dance, my student’s regular attendance is essential. If notification is received prior to missing a class, a make-up class may be arranged for private lessons, OR as a drop-in in another level class of the same style. Make-up classes must be completed within 30 days. MISSED CLASSES ARE NOT REFUNDED. There will be NO credit for missed classes. We are unable to provide make-up classes after May 1st, annually, due to recital preparation. There will be no make-up classes offered for scheduled holiday closings. Please refer to our Calendar for these dates. Parents should contact our front desk staff to schedule any make-ups. ____


5. I agree that prorating fees is not allowed unless my student is a new student beginning in the middle of the month. ____


6. I understand that BPAC will present TWO formal dance recitals at the end of the fall program, DECEMBER 14TH AND 15TH, and at the end of the spring program JUNE 5TH, 6TH AND 7TH. The recital is an excellent opportunity for students to display all of their hard work to friends and family members. However, participation in the dance recital is not mandatory. Please notify us by October 1st 2024, and January 15th, 2025 if he/she is not participating.  ____

7. I agree Costume fees for the recital will be $75.00 for all Classes performing in the spring program recital. Parent agrees that these costume fees must be paid in full by November 15, 2024 or January 15th, 2025. Any recital costume ordered on or after December 15th, 2024 or February 1st, 2025 will be charged an additional $15.00 to cover shipping fees. Parent agrees that these costume fees are non-refundable. Costume fees do not include any costume accessories such as tights, gloves, shoes, etc. Any recital costumes not picked up by the final day of classes for that season, will be donated. ____


8. I understand that my student should arrive to class promptly. Most students find it beneficial to arrive five to ten minutes early to prepare for class. Hair is to be pulled away from face and secured neatly and no jewelry is permitted in class. ____

9. I understand that my student should have a dance bag that will hold all shoes. He/She should bring that bag to every class. My student should put the bag into a cubby instead of leaving it on the floor. If my student is not at the studio 3 or more days a week, I must take the dance bag homeat the end of each evening of classes.  ____

10. I agree that proper class placement is essential. I will support BPAC decisions and selection of my student’s class placement. ____

11. I understand that BPAC reserves the right to cancel any classes with 4 students or less. ___

12. All students, siblings, and visitors under 11 years old must have adult supervision at all times while in our facility. Never leave a child/or student unattended unless they are in class. ____

13. I understand that BPAC may close due to weather emergencies. Cancellation of classes will be determined by 1:00 pm. If more than two of the same class is canceled, Students will be provided the opportunity to make-up these classes. ____

14. Food and drink are permitted in the lobby area only. Water bottles only are permitted in the classrooms. Please help maintain our beautiful facility by placing items in trash receptacles. Absolutely no chewing gum in the classrooms! ____

15. I understand that there are cameras that will allow me to observe my student in class. Parents will be invited into the class, at the teachers discretion, to observe during the month to show progression. ____


16. BPAC is not responsible for lost personal items. Parent and Student understand that BPAC will not maintain a lost and found, and any items remaining at the end of the business day’s close at the BPAC studio will be discarded. BPAC does not and will not accept any liability for any lost or stolen items of the Parent or Student. ____

17. Part of your commitment as a parent is to know where to find information. We work hard to make information available and readily accessible to each of our parents. Your weekly routine should include checking our BPAC website, Facebook page, TV monitor in the lobby and checking any emails or text messages that you may have received from us. Information about class cancellations will be sent through email. _____

18. I agree that I will only discuss my student’s progress and not other student’s progress at the studio with the Directors and Staff of BPAC. _____

19. I agree that I will not compare my student to other dancers and I agree to be supportive and nurturing to my student and all BPAC student’s development in dance. ____


20. As a parent, I agree that a positive attitude and continued support is necessary in order for my student to continue with the privilege of participating in the BPAC’s program. I agree that if I choose to have a negative attitude or violate the terms of this Agreement in any way that, at the sole discretion of BPAC, my student and I may be asked to leave the school without refund of any fees or deposits paid. ____

21. I agree that BPAC reserves the right to refuse services and/or discontinue services to any person who does not support the policies and decisions of BPAC. ____


22. I understand that as of 8/1/2024 BPAC is implementing a 4% surcharge on all cards run through the system. This is due to the increasing processing fees and bank fees being charged. Tuition can still be paid via cash or check at the front desk. Late fees will be applied on the 5th of the month to any tuition not paid. ____


23.  I understand that any correspondence about studio related information MUST be handled through the studio phone or email. This is to keep a clear and precise line of communication for all things, and provide an organized route for information. No teacher OR dance family should have personal communication through email, text/call, or social media so information is not misconstrued or misunderstood. ____


I hereby authorize BPAC, its managers, members, staff, employees, agents, representatives and independent contractors to instruct my student in the art of dance and related activities. I recognize the inherent dangers associated with such activities, including, but not limited to, falling, twisting, breaking, and/or injuring limbs, hips, knees, elbows, neck, head, paralysis and related injuries. I understand that while BPAC will take reasonable care to provide instruction but agree that there are numerous injuries which may occur in the course of that instruction. Accordingly, I hereby release and waive any claims that the undersigned may now or hereafter have and absolve BPAC, its managers, members, staff, employees, agents, representatives and

independent contractors from any and all claims and causes of action arising out of their care and instruction of me and/or my student, including, but not limited to, all liabilities, losses, damages, costs or expenses of whatever kind or nature, including attorney’s fees, which may incur as a result of any injury, including, without limitation, personal injury and damages thereof including loss of income, earnings, bodily injury, pain and suffering, emotional or mental

distress and any and all medical expenses. I further agree that there shall be no refunds for tuition, costume fees, performance fees, registration fees, convention fees, competition fees, or private lessons. I have read and understand and agree with all the terms set forth above and agree to comply with said policies set forth by Bradford Performing Arts Center as of the date first set forth herein above.


PARENT SIGNATURE: ___________________________________________________Date:_____________________

PRINT NAME (PRINT): ____________________________________________________________________________

STUDENT’S FULL NAME (PRINT): ___________________________________________________________________

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